by Anita Heidema | Feb 7, 2016 | Ask Anita, Business Strategist
Did you make a goal to create a healthier lifestyle in 2016? How is it going so far? Are you still waking up before sunrise to go to the gym? Are you starting your day off with a healthy smoothie, and refusing the deep fried items on the menu when you go out for...
by Anita Heidema | Dec 27, 2015 | Ask Anita, Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, Mindset Coach
Over the holiday season we spend time with family and/or reflect on our lives and where we are and want to go. Whether these holiday times are a blessing or not to us, we can create who we are and what we become. Take some time for self-reflection. Take some time to...
by Anita Heidema | Aug 4, 2015 | Business Strategist, Mindset Coach, Success
6 steps to clear your negativity and break free You Are What You Think. The laws of attraction and quantum physics tells us that everything has an energy. We are all connected. It science everyone!……. We are also what we think. It’s the little Gremlin inside our head...
by Anita Heidema | May 8, 2014 | Business Strategist, Mindset Coach, Success
Are you finding that your days are getting a hold of you? Are you spinning your wheels and getting nothing accomplished? You’re not alone! Actually, 75% of Americans say they can’t keep up with the growing fast pace in today’s society. Most people end up feeling burnt...
by Anita Heidema | Apr 14, 2014 | Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, Mindset Coach, Success
As I spend my days writing my new book titled Vitality Knocks, along with writing blogs, various social media entries and creating exciting new development programs; I always like to take a step back and reflect on the creative structure of the...