Did you make a goal to create a healthier lifestyle in 2016?

How is it going so far? Are you still waking up before sunrise to go to the gym? Are you starting your day off with a healthy smoothie, and refusing the deep fried items on the menu when you go out for dinner with family and friends?

If you found yourself losing motivation a couple weeks into the New Year, you are certainly not alone. Research shows most people have already given up on their New Year Resolutions by January 10th.

How can you make a change, and stick with it?

You need to have a reason and a passion driving you towards success in the goals you set. You need to have a reason why.

The thought of getting up early in the morning to go to the gym is painful for many of us. How can you convince your subconscious mind this is actually a pleasurable task?

When you are able to visualize the outcome – the purpose – for your goal, that morning workout will be something you actually look forward to, rather than dread. Today’s Ask Anita will help you turn pain into pleasure so you can achieve those big goals in your life.

Need help putting your plan and vision in place? Our free goal setting template will help you reach your goals and develop a rich life and business. Don’t miss out. Try the free template today and get back on track with your goals.

Have questions about business and life? I want to hear from you! Email me at [email protected]. Connect with me on Facebook or send me a tweet (@anitaheidema).

To Your Success and Happiness,
