The Freedom to express ourselves…The Freedom to help those we care about…The Freedom to do those things we are wanting in life. Many people think of it as a pipe dream. Not so……. If you want to be the author of your life & biz you can. What is Freedom to you?? Imagine being able to run your life and business on your terms.
Start today and be the author of your life!!!!
You alone have Choice. You choose to go right or left.You choose to go to an event or not or keep a friend that has been nasty to you. You choose to give 110% in certain situations or not.
If you choose to not go to a family event because you are tired and rather work. That is your choice. I didn’t say you might not have some consequences for your actions. You make that choice that has to serve what that is in life you are wanting. I am not saying be a self serving boob. It’s knowing what you need to be better at what you do….
What choices do you make???
We each have an inner and outer light. Say What??
I can go on and on about this Freedom and Choice and Light forever. Basically our inner light is our inner strength and our outer light are our situations. Our inner strength we can change 100%. We have proven tools for this. You can change how we think and strengthen our inner light so it doesn’t flicker. The question is can we change our outer light. Some say with the law of attraction we can. Quantum Physic states we can. I believe we can change much of our outcome. We still do have those unfortunate situations of life that are inevitable that time brings on us we can’t change. It’s having that inner strength and working our attraction and being about to handle our outer situations without the light flickering. Or at least for a short period of time.
True Freedom of Choice… Not being a victim.
Action …. Attraction
To start we need to know what we truly want. Many people decide what they want is what a friend or neighbor has. For each of us our ROOT SUCCESS (want we want) can be different. You don’t want to see yourself wasting your precious time on those things that others want and then you having regret in your life.
The movie CLICK with Adam Sandler always brought it home for me.
Take this week to understand what you really want. Write down those things that truly make you happy. Where you see your Life, Career & Business…..How do you see yourself running your life and business?? Meditate is huge… Many top executives use this technic to gain better understanding of their inner voice and intuition. I offer meditations downloads I created to program positive thinking on my site to help with attracting abundance/money/health/greater intuition. You need to try them out…..These meditations help you strengthen your inner flame. Click here for meditations.
Next week we can add some more tips to gain freedom in your life, career and business.
New Meditations coming soon
To Your Success & Happiness