by Anita Heidema | Jan 10, 2016 | Ask Anita, Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, Success
Did you find yourself being stretched too thin between family gatherings and business obligations over the holidays? Like your limbs were being pulled in opposite directions? I find one of the most common struggles with the entrepreneurs I work with is finding a...
by Anita Heidema | Aug 4, 2015 | Business Strategist, Mindset Coach, Success
6 steps to clear your negativity and break free You Are What You Think. The laws of attraction and quantum physics tells us that everything has an energy. We are all connected. It science everyone!……. We are also what we think. It’s the little Gremlin inside our head...
by Anita Heidema | Jul 21, 2015 | Business Strategist, Mindset Coach, Success
One thing I know for sure is that we have Choices in this lifetime. We have the Freedom of speech. We have the Freedom to act. We have choice!!!! Now I am not saying that choice is easy….Especially when we are fearful…..It might make us shake in our boots to make a...
by Anita Heidema | Sep 15, 2014 | Business Strategist, Success
I had always wanted to take the journey of The Camino as long as I could remember. The success of accomplishment. Being active in nature. The time to focus and just to be. It always had a ring to it for me. I didn’t know the details and just wanted to walk and...
by Anita Heidema | Apr 12, 2014 | Ask Anita