I had always wanted to take the journey of The Camino as long as I could remember. The success of accomplishment. Being active in nature. The time to focus and just to be. It always had a ring to it for me. I didn’t know the details and just wanted to walk and explore. In June of 2014 I/we went on the journey, that I call now adventure of self discovery and success. That is what it was for me. The Camino Trail has a different meaning for all those who take it and this is mine. To each in our group there was at least a growth. A new awareness that is not easy to explain. For those that have taken the Camino journey you just know.
New Possibilities
My Camino adventure opened me up to new possibilities. The soul searching you do. The people you meet. The obstacles you encounter and conquer. Just a month prior to my journey on the Camino I received some heart tearing news. I was diagnosed with Melanoma. A deadly skin cancer if not detected early. My message here is please receive regular physicals, stay out of the sun, and be careful to read the ingredients you put on your skin. My treatment and surgery happened very quickly and grateful I was still able to join the adventure with little extra difficulty.
For those of you that have had heart tearing news, as most of us have at some point in our lives, we see things with new eyes. This is what The Camino trail opened for me. I had the active time to think of who I am and what I want. What is important to me? How short this life is and time is precious. Yes my diagnosis was a bit of an eye opener. It was the time away, of soul searching that I received on the Camino that really gave me the time to discover my possibilities. One I will do again. Its life’s journey. Get a way to Find your Way…
My Camino adventure gave me more clarity. As I walked through the forest and villages of Spain you have time to think. You have unexpected things happen that have you thinking more clearly. What it is you want? How precious life is? How to get what you want? With the fresh air, exercise and magical forest you vision wonders that are there for you. A new understanding for your journey in life.
My Camino adventure help me sharpen my focus. You allow the Camino adventure to take you where you must. Allow yourself to accept the obstacle and embrace them. Change directs you in different places or for longer stays and that is ok. Focus is the eye on the ball. The ball being Santiago de Compostella in this case. Life is like that. Whether you want a new position at work. To start a new business. Add more excitement to your life. Have a new healthy lifestyle. You have the focus and you need to roll with the waves and not get derailed. Be so strong internally that you can still keep that focus, hold strong and ride the waves. This is the true focus. Focus that will carry you for your journey in life.
My Camino adventure gave me a broader perspective. When you travel you open yourself to self discover and also discover of others and their cultures. What a growth you develop when you travel. You realize that you don’t live in a bubble and start to see different perspectives. The Camino allowed me to meet so many interesting people from all over the world that I plan to keep in touch with. Such wonderful people I have learned so much from and grateful for that. Each time I travel I always broaden my views. I love this life journey and the Camino journey I was grateful to take.
My Camino adventure gave me time to rejuvenate. You always need time away. Time to regroup. Time to rejuvenate. Time to fuel those batteries. I took some down time on the Camino to have a well balance experience. Rejuvenation is so important. You can’t be on auto pilot all the time. I always take that time for me and believe everyone needs to book that time for themselves. Life is so short and you can’t be there for others if you aren’t there for yourself.
My Camino experience was so rewarding. I did it. Yahoo. My reward for the Camino was that I did it. The feelings that came over me when I did the mass in Santiago. The feelings that came over me with the hugs from others when we reached our destination. The feelings when I received the two certificates of completion. Rewards are so important. Rewards with time away to do what you want. Do what makes you happy.
I completed that last portion of the Camino Trail and there is still so much I have missed. So much still to see and explore. I am looking forward to going down with my next group to discover more of the Camino and its wonders. Hope you get a chance to go too and possibly join us.
Till then to your success and happiness,