There Are No Obstacles in Life and Business
Leveraging Your Social Media Success

By Anita Heidema/April 30, 2017
Mindset Coach & Business Strategist

Welcome to this week’s Podcast!!

This week’s Ah-Ha Moments for Success Podcast episode is with Sofie Andreou.

Listen Below & Subscribe to have them emailed you to.

Sofie is an exceptional business woman and person having many talents and mainly focusing as a Social Media Strategist.

She is the author of Your Social Strategy and delivers sought after business seminar series Leveraging the Power of the Internet.

I’m still learning how to create proper podcasts to relay the story as naturally as possible and edit correctly that will help serve you best. I would love your comments and ideas. Looking forward to this journey.

I met Sofie a few years back as we were collaborating on a travel/business project. She is quite knowledgeable in helping entrepreneurs make money in their business with social media and connections. She has learned how to take that corporate training and adapt to an entrepreneurial world.

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Quite an adaptable extraordinary woman. When I first met Sofie I loved her passion for nature and travel. Think that is what connected me most and then her knowledge and drive for success and helping others in the social strategy arena. I learned a few more things that Sofie had to face in the journey of life and biz and how she could cope and add as a learning lesson. As I have in many of my programs and coaching you need to grow and learn as we pass in this time of life. Enjoy the journey!!!

Listen and download the podcast here

Would love your thoughts and comments as I always love to hear from you. Subscribe to Itunes so you don’t miss any episode that will motivate and inspire your life and business.

Till next time

To Your Success, Happiness & Ah-Ha Moments to Success,

Anita free download