Anita Heidema
Mindset Coach and Business Strategist to Entrepreneurs

When you were younger, you were probably told not to talk about yourself too much, because it could come across as bragging. As time went by, perhaps you avoided opening up about the work you did and the ideas you had because you were afraid of irritating people. You didn’t want them to think you were “full of yourself.”

But guess what? You’re an entrepreneur now. And it’s time to get comfortable with self-promotion.

After all, if you don’t tell the world about the brilliant work you do, how will the rest of us ever find out about it? Self-promotion is key to business success. You just have to go about it the right way.

As entrepreneurs, we work incredibly hard. We put in endless evenings and weekends. Success doesn’t happen overnight.

Sometimes it is difficult for other people to understand what is involved in being an entrepreneur. They don’t appreciate the effort. They don’t see behind-the-scenes.

Unfortunately, not everyone is going to support you in what you do. But you can’t let this discourage you.

Each of us has an important message within us, and we need to be able to relay that message to the world. By refusing to share your unique value with the rest of us, you’re truly doing us a disservice. We want to hear what you have to say. We want to see the work you do. This is what today’s Ask Anita is all about.

I want you to feel confident about sharing the work you are doing. Book a complimentary, Revitalize your Business Session with me today to discover your unique message.

How do you get over the feeling of self-doubt when it comes to self-promotion? How do you put yourself out there? I would love to hear your own experiences with self-promotion. Please share in the comments, or connect with me on Facebook and Twitter (@anitaheidema).

To Your Success and Happiness,
