3 Tips To Help You Improve Your Relationships Today
Positive & Connected life makes a happy life

By Anita Heidema – Aug 20/2017
Strategist for Professionals & Entrepreneurs

I enjoyed my interview with Entrepreneur Matchmaker and Celebrity Carmelia Ray and how she has helped thousands connect in a positive way and fill that gap they are missing in their life. I had the pleasure of meeting Carmelia years ago and love the tips she gives to help you find your soulmate. Listen below to her podcast and help she can give you on your journey.

Connection & Relationships runs on so many levels. We have our family, friends loved ones, business partners, and coworkers and most importantly ourselves. Sometimes it can be a tough road and it should not be. Friendship and connection on all levels should be with respect, support and enjoyment.

Here are some tips to help balance your life, as I do with my Free Rich Life and Business Kickstart.

3 Tips For A Better Relationship

1. Review your connections. This is tough to do but you need to review your 5 main people in your life and do a check-in with the others that can be saboteurs. Sometimes people like to live in the “Debbie Downer” place and drag you with it. Take note and adjust where you spend your quality time.

2. Let go of the fear of connection with any relationship. Sometimes we carry our past hurts and situations into other relationships without realizing that this is a different person. Learn from the past and move forward with the future in a positive way.

3. Don’t take anyone for granted. Like they say we hurt the ones we love without realizing. Respect your relationship. Respect its similarities and differences. Be grateful when you have someone special to always cherish what you have and work on what you need. Be open and honest.

The payoff to apply the above is so profound. What you give you receive. Respect. Support. Enjoy.

It is important to understand that as humans we are geared to have connections. Let’s make them positive ones. There are many books and studies out there and one comes to mind is Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley. Younger Next Year gets into different areas of our social connections (as well as physical) and how important it is for a longer and happier life.

To Your Success, Happiness & Ah-Ha Moments,

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