The 3 Shades of Grey blog series has been created by Anita Heidema to relay to everyone how everything isn’t black and white and much of it shades of grey. As Success Coach, Anita, teaches that it is action and attraction that is needed for success in your life, business, career, relationships, and world.
Getting what you want has everything to do with mindset (attraction) and moving forward (action). There are three steps to get you started.
- Knowing what it is you want. Many people go for the DREAM and then waste their time reaching for the incorrect DREAM. We see many movies and books of this where they finally realize and the time is too late… Or they are given another chance last minute. Lets learn from this…
Don’t fall in the trap of envy…Not everyone wants the same DREAM…. Many of my clients and I do an exercise with them to stay present and really listen to what it is they want. Your intuition…Write down what makes you happy.
Take quite time to understand what you enjoy. I enjoy meditating and many of my clients take up mediating for various reason. For this exercise meditation taps you into your minds and explores areas you might have been too busy to remember. offers mediations to help with this as well. Go check them out.
- Now you need to focus your attention on the correct activities and to get you there. Research the best ways. Reach out to the correct people. Ask for what you want. Focus is really important for the action and attraction to really move you to the next level.
To start take a list of the top key things you are wanting. Start a business… New relationship… New career… More money… More time with family and friends… More time for you….
Rich Life & Business Bundle.
- Add action and attraction to your daily schedule.
Build habits to your life over 21 days for success. Use your calendar to develop. Make sure you balance your days so that you don’t create boredom or to much stress that you give up. Make it happen!!!!!
Start today to making a shift in your life. Don’t wait for something to happen first to take time for you and what you want.
To your Success & Happiness
Anita Heidema is a mindset coach, strategists and founder of and (Your Inspirational Journey). Amazon Best Selling Author to Vitality Knocks, creator of 21 Day Journey to Success (business and life), Speaker and Writer.