3 Top Ways to Get Over Feeling Overwhelmed for Good

You know that feeling when you are going to burst.!!!!!!!!

If one more person asks you to do something you are going to scream. Holding it together for one more task but wondering how much longer you can go on like this!!!!!!!

Isn’t there any time for YOU.

“I AM SO OVERWHELMED”, you say in your head and to others.

Well STOP……

I know…. Easier said than done.

Not really. If you create your reality then why not create a simpler one. Why not set expectations to what you want the outcomes to be.

Many times we choose not to. We choose to be a martyr and do everything. Here is how to stop stressing and start SUCCESSING if you choose!!!!

  • Manage your time. Pick three top things that are important to you and add them to your days. Add something for you and start delegating other things. DONE……..  Once I did this it made such a simple difference. Before I was thinking about all the to-do lists in my head and it was killing me literally. Which leads me to #2…..
  • Write it down. It is important to get it out of your head. Your to-do list can drag you down and make you unfocused and unproductive. Make a plan that is for now/ 1 year/ 5 years. This way you focus now on what is important. Here is a tool to help you start planning Rich Life. http://anitaheidema.com/richlife/
  • Take time for you. If you don’t do what you enjoy and refuel your mind and body then you can’t be 100%. Exercise. Meditate here is a link for my free mediation to try. Read Vitality Knocks. Do what makes you happy and brings down your cortisol levels so you can focus better on what you want and where you want to go. That includes time for YOU!!!

Don’t make things complicated.

Enjoy life.

Know who you are and want to be.

Most of all!!!!!

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Anita Heidema