What you can do to keep Focused
By Anita Heidema
Years ago we used to have to search for information. Go to the library and look up a book on an index card. Remember that….. !!
We used to look up encyclopedia and books to get information and school for training. Ok, I am dating myself here.
It was a slower pace then and in many ways, I embrace the technology we are in now but it can get too much. If we aren’t on top of things immediately we are last seconds news story.
Hope today’s Ask Anita will help you get a bit of focus on today’s fast-paced personal development world.
I have 3 tips for you….
Find out what you want to do with your life.
Stop and listen!!! Don’t look at other people and what they are doing. Look inside yourself and what you want to do. What do you still need to learn to get there? Mark it all down on paper or in a planner. Find the correct mentor. Find the correct coach. Someone you admire online or in person. Make a list of what you still need to know to get there. LOOK INSIDE for what you want then plan to get there. Eye on the ball.
Find out how you learn best.
Do you learn better visually, via audio, via book, via one-on-one training? We need to know how we do things and what works in our busy schedules. Video for visual like this Ask Anita series https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHrMX23IiS78nLv-RBs46XA or webinars that are out there. Audio you would check out podcasts like my http://anitaheidema.com/podcast/. Books go check out Amazon or your local library. One-on-one – you have many wonderful coaches and mentors as well as me that can help you ramp up quickly for your learning. Find a way that works best for you.
- We are in such an information fast world now and we are forgetting how to live and enjoy life. Plan where you want to go but also take the time to live in the moment and enjoy those things you want to do.
The great thing about today’s age is that ‘if we forget’ we can just google quickly. Just keep your head about you for information that can be a bit crazy. Thank goodness Google is doing more monitoring on making sure it is policed. So many people and businesses have space now to share on the internet which is wonderful but look out for the fanciness and no substance. Find what resonates with you to grow while enjoying the journey.
Until next time.
To Your Success, Happiness, and Ah-HaMoments
Mindset Coach and Business Strategist.