by Anita Heidema | Mar 26, 2017 | Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, Mindset Coach, Success
Your message is important!!!! 3 tips to get out of the shadows and let us hear your message We live in some truly powerful times. We have freedom of speech and the freedom to listen in most areas of the world. I find it fascinating to hear different points of view and...
by Anita Heidema | Mar 19, 2017 | Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, FITbrain, Meditation, Mindset Coach, Success
Get up out of bed and get motivated like successful entrepreneurs!!! Successful entrepreneurs that we admire and aspire to be like have developed positive habits that help them daily. Successful entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington and many more have...
by Anita Heidema | Sep 11, 2016 | Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, Mindset Coach, Success
How to be a more efficient and focused entrepreneur The foundation behind any successful business is mindset, but in order to build your ideas and beliefs into a viable, revenue-driving business, you must have the right strategies in place. After all, our ideas are...
by Anita Heidema | Jul 17, 2016 | Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, FITbrain, Meditation, Mindset Coach, Success
Making the transition from corporate misfit to solopreneur. Are you struggling to determine what you really want in your career? Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Find yourself searching for a new purpose? You’re not alone. I work with clients every...
by Anita Heidema | Jun 19, 2016 | Business Strategist, Entrepreneur, FITbrain, Mindset Coach, Success
Why the summer months are the perfect opportunity to regain your focus and adjust your goals. Summer solstice is upon us, and with the longest day of the year comes the start of all of those sweet summertime temptations urging us to get away from the office. It’s a...