Get the Most out of your personal and professional development learning

By Anita Heidema

Host of Ah Ha Moment for Success Podcast for Entrepreneurs & Professionals.  Subscribe here

I am a professional at learning. Learning from schools. Learning from webinars. Learning from CD in my car. Most important learning from my life lessons that have kicked me in the butt a few times.

In my training for NLP I was open up to the concept that we all learn differently as a primary learning. I was so intrigued! You mean all these 50 years I could have retained more information at a quicker pace if I worked primarily with my key learning style. BRAVO!!!

I have changed much of my teaching style to accommodate and this brought me to Podcasting. A whole new world that was open to me to share my message and help Professionals live a RICH LIFE.

My clients with all sorts of primary learning styles can learn from all my programs in different ways. Video. Webinar. Travel Retreats. Books. Podcasts. Meditations. I am able to help everyone and then it was asked of me “HOW DO I LISTEN TO PODCAST”.

I had sshowneveryone why and now I have to teach you how to listen to podcasts.

Here we go…..

Basically a podcast is a radio show on the internet you can listen to any time you want.  You can listen in 2 ways.

One is you listen to the podcast directly on the internet/website and this is call streaming.

Two you can download a podcast it to your phone, tablet, computer and listen anytime you want even if you don’t have internet connection.

1) Example of streaming is to go to my website in the case of my podcast and click to play. Go on over and try.

2) Example of downloading is to go to a app and subscribe to get it every week so you don’t miss any episodes. This way you are ready with the podcast if you want to listen to and you are not with Internet service.

For Iphones you would go to the Podcast app that comes with your phone and search the podcast name and subscribe. If you don’t see the podcast app don’t worry you can go to your apps and download for free or to iTunes. Here is an example of my iTunes that you can see what I mean and subscribe if you like.

For Android phones, Tablets you would go to Google Play and add to favorites. It is free and bypass the pay option if you like. Some people get mistaken the way it words that it is a pay site. Here is my site for Google Play for you to see.

I am giving you options of mine but so many wonderful podcast out there. I have become addicted to podcasting for me. It is perfect for car rides and working out when you can make more use of your time for better time management and growth.

Other areas for podcasts for you to see that I have the podcasts in are








Sound Cloud



Huffington Post




Enjoy a new world if you haven’t already. Hope you have enjoyed this podcasting info and would love your comments thoughts and ideas.

To Your Success, Happiness & Ah-Ha Moments,

anita signature

Anita Heidema

Rich Life & Business Strategist for Entrepreneurs and Busy Professionals